We’re pleased to announce that for this year’s ATTO Meeting registration is NOW OPEN! INPA will be our host in Manaus on September 16 – 18. We kindly ask you to please to use the short registration form in time to ensure that the organizational team can put together the best possible meeting for all of us.
The focus of the meeting will be scientific exchange, therefore it is open to all members of ATTO consortium, incl. students and early career scientists. We hope you will be able to attend in large numbers and we can have many fruitful discussions over the three days. We want to give the maximum amount of people the chance to present their research. Therefore, most of the time will be dedicated to poster sessions, preceded by < 3 min poster presentations.
Head over to the meeting’s subpage for more details. We will post information about the schedule and side events will be there as soon as they become available. So check back or follow along on our social media channels.