Are you heading to the EGU 2019? If the answer is ‘yes’ we might have just the right session for you!
Next year, some members of the ATTO team are convening a session at next years EGU titled “Intact Amazon forest – a natural laboratory of global significance” (BG2.4/AS3.35/HS11.64/SSS10.12). This session aims at bringing together scientists who investigate the functioning of the Amazon and comparable intact forest landscapes across spatial and temporal scales by means of observational, modeling, and theoretical studies. Particularly welcome are also presentations of new, interdisciplinary approaches and techniques. We specifically invite contributions from a great variety of projects investigating the Amazon and its significance for the Earth System and hope many of you will submit abstracts to the session!
EGU 2019 is taking place from April 7 to 12 in Vienna, Austria, as usual. Travel Grants are offered, for example for Early Career Scientists.
Hope to see you there to gain new insights, inspire new approaches and collaborations and share our passion for performing research in this unique ecosystem with global importance.