© Ana Paula Florentino / LBA
With great sadness, we acknowledge the passing of Dr. Rosa Maria Nascimento dos Santos, meteorologist, Professor at the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (Amazonas State University, EUA) and a very important member of the ATTO team. She was part of the ATTO project since its early stages and a member of our scientific steering committee. She played a very important role in several field campaigns carried out at the ATTO field site and actively participated in scientific discussions and several articles published by the micrometeorology group. Very recently she was helping with the installation of micrometeorology sensors at the Campina site. The ATTO community will miss her very much. We send our condolences and best wishes to her family and friends.
- – Bruno Takeshi, Cléo Quaresma, Susan Trumbore and the whole ATTO team