EGU 2020 program announced

Updated on 2020-04-08

The European Geoscience Union has released its session program for the EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online. All of the formerly announced sessions for the Physical EGU 2020 will take place as online Displays. All abstract authors can upload materials until May 31, and those will remain online with the abstracts afterward. They are available to view and comment on for everyone free of charge, no matter if you had registered for the physical EGU or not.

Displays for the session “Amazon forest – a natural laboratory of global significance”, organized by members of our ATTO team, can be found here once authors have uploaded their materials:

The session will bring together 15 presentations from a wide range and projects working on different aspects of Amazon research. They, of course, include ATTO, but also AmazonFACE, CARBAM and many more. Research topics range from Greenhouse gas observations, VOC emissions and life cycle assessment over aerosol transport to the effects of droughts and model simulations.

In addition to the chance to view and comment on the Displays from now until May 31, there will be a text-based live chat on Friday, May 8 from 10:45–12:30.

We think that EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online is a fantastic opportunity for scientists to engage with even more people than before. Because it is held online, the meeting is much more accessible: Everyone can participate from the comfort of their home and in their own time. We sincerely hope that all abstracts authors of the “Amazon forest” session will take advantage of this and upload materials. And we also hope that many scientists and those interested in science will participate in a lively discussion through commenting and the live chat.

You can find more details about how EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online works, and what will be offered, on the EGU website. They provide a detailed FAQ section that is continuously updated and expanded.

EGU 2020 program for session on Amazon forest
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